Jeg og Borghild snakker hver kveld på telefonen, alltid så går tiden alt for fort og plutselig har det gått noen timer. I dag var dagens tema: Disney og fun facts. Vi fant helt syke fakta som var så interessant. Fakta om Disney som folk overhode ikke tenker over. Gjemte sexsymboler og satan i logoen. Helt sykt. Vi så en video om det HER. Vi fant også noen kule fakta om vår favoritt-disneyfilm. Jeg blir så overrasket og bare “woow” når de har funnet så mye inspirasjon fra oss her i lille Norge. Haha! Dette må jeg dele med dere:
1. Elsa was originally supposed to be a villain.
2. Director Jennifer Lee was the first woman to direct a Disney animated feature.
3. The names Hans, Kristoff, Anna, and Sven are a tribute to The Snow Queen author Hans Christian Andersen.
4. This wasn’t the first experience with frozen things for Kristen Bell, who voices Anna. In high school she worked at the TCBY frozen yogurt chain.
5. Walt Disney wanted to make a movie based on the short The Snow Queen, which inspired Frozen, since the 1940s.
6. The production team visited a hotel made out of ice for design inspiration.
7. This is what the trolls from the movie actually looked like in the book:
8. Since the movies release, the names Elsa and Anna have become increasingly popular for baby girls.
9. Actress Livvy Stubenrauch did the voiceover for young Anna in the film.
10. In development, the movie started out with the ending first.
11. The beach scene in The Summer Song is a reference to Coppertone’s iconic sunscreen advertisement.
12. There is a large and devoted fan fiction community that imagines Rise of the Guardians Jack Frost and Elsa together.
13. Fifty different animators worked on the scene where the Ice Palace was built.
14. There is a note in the end credits stating that Disney does not support the consumption of boogers.
15. The names listed above the disclaimer are those of the crew members babies born during production.
16. To infuse the script with Norwegian words, accents, and phrases, filmmakers hired Jackson Crawford, a professor of Old Norse and Scandinavian mythology at UCLA.
17. Rapunzel and Flynn from Disney’s Tangled make a brief cameo appearance at Elsa’s coronation.
18. Annas horse is named Sitron, which is Norwegian for lemon.
19. Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, and most of the films characters do not appear explicitly in the fairy tale.
20. In March, two firemen in Boston sang Let It Go to a girl stuck in an elevator to calm her down in order to rescue her.
21. A small Mickey Mouse can be spotted at Wandering Oakens Trading Post and Sauna.
22. Filmmakers hired celebrity hairstylist Danilo to advise on Elsa’s hair.
23. There are three references to Arrested Development in the film.
24. The painting in the palace gallery Anna poses in front of is a representation of Jean-Honoré Fragonard’s The Swing.
25. Filmmakers went to Norway to get inspiration for the films landscapes.
26. Rosemaling, the traditional Norwegian folk art that features flowers and geometric designs that was used in the characters costume designs, has exploded in popularity since the movies release.
27. Limited edition Frozen Elsa and Anna dolls have been selling for $10,000 on eBay.
28. When Anna sings Love is an Open Door with Prince Hans, it is the first time a Disney princess has ever performed a duet with a villain.
29. The production crew from the movie traveled to Jackson Hole, Wyo., to experience the effects of deep snow on clothing.
30. Producers had Idina Menzel (Elsa) and Kristen Bell (Anna) read their scenes together to add to the chemistry. Reading voice-overs together is rare in an animated films.
31. Olaf references Berts penguin dance from Mary Poppins when he performs The Summer Song.
32. Tourism in Norway has drastically increased since the films release.
33. Searches for flights to Norway have also increased by 153%.
34. Oaken the shopkeeper might have a same-sex partner.
35. Animators had to develop a program called Tonic just to animate Elsa’s hair.
36. Because of the braid, Elsa has 420,000 CGI strands of hair.
37. That’s 15 times more than Rapunzel.
38. The character of Kristoff was influenced by the Sami people, who are indigenous to northern Norway.
39. Santino Fontana, the actor who voices Prince Hans, auditioned for the role of Flynn in Tangled but didn’t get it.
40. Frozen is the highest-grossing animated film of all time.
41. Animators had an actual reindeer visit the studio to use as inspiration for the the character Sven.
42. Anna’s chocolate arrangement pays tribute to the Kingdom of Sugar Rush from Wreck-It Ralph.
43. The longest single frame in the movie took 132 hours to complete.
44. The effects team brought in renowned snow expect Dr. Kenneth Libbrecht to offer insight on how snow and snowflakes take shape.
45. Ice cutting, like the sequence shown at the beginning of the film, was once an actual profession.
46. The crew used 312 character mock-ups in the movie. That’s more than any other Disney film.
47. A theater in Florida accidentally played a two-minute porn clip during a screening of the film.
48. Megan Mullally from Will and Grace was originally cast as Elsa.
49. Frozen was originally supposed to be a 2D movie.
50. At first Elsa was supposed to be based on Amy Winehouse.
51. This is her original concept art:
52. Sven’s original name was Thor.
53. The animation team created a snowflake generator program to build 2,000 different snowflake shapes they could use.
54. Let It Go was written in a day.